Apr 16, 2024
10 weeks
April 16, 2024
Penn State Department of Chemical Engineering’s Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program: Integration of Biology and Materials


The Penn State Department of Chemical Engineering’s Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program focused on the Integration of Biology and Materials runs throughout the summer months and is funded by the National Science Foundation.

In addition to research efforts, students will participate in a range of seminars and technical programs that will provide an overview of the integration of biology and materials, and discuss general research principles, including key aspects of preparing research presentations, and the graduate school experience. Students will also participate in tours of the Penn State Materials Characterization Laboratory, Nanofabrication Facility, and the Huck Institutes for the Life Sciences.

A variety of social programs will be provided throughout the summer, including informal pizza lunches, hikes through the local mountains, and evening barbecues. Students will also be able to take advantage of the outstanding research, athletic, and arts facilities at Penn State, the beautiful countryside in the State College area, and the extraordinary Central Pennsylvania Festival of the Arts.


  • Undergraduate students that are US citizens or permanent residents majoring in chemical engineering, bioengineering, biology, chemistry, materials science, physics, or related majors and currently enrolled at U.S. institutions.

Please Note: Current Penn State students at the University Park campus are not eligible to apply for this NSF-sponsored summer REU experience. Penn State students should consider applying to the Chemical Engineering Department Biofellowship Program.

State College