Mar 01, 2024
4 weeks
March 1, 2024
Penn Summer Science Initiative (PSSI)


The FREEPenn Summer Science Initiative, PSSI, is sponsored by the Penn Materials Research Science and Engineering Center, MRSEC, which is funded by the National Science Foundation. It will accept up to 28 students entering their junior or senior year of high school from the greater Philadelphia region for a four-week intensive materials science course from July 8 – August 1, 2024 (Monday to Thursday). The course will run from approximately 10:00 AM to 3:30 PM daily. The course may include formal lectures from Penn faculty and affiliated researchers, materials science workshops, lab report writing seminars (very useful for college!), projects, hands-on activities, and field trips. Students will get exposure to a variety of materials characterization techniques, such as scanning electron and optical microscopies, thermal analysis techniques, mechanical testing, and x-ray diffraction. Students will be expected to work on reports, projects, and other assignments outside of program hours.


  • Students will be selected for this program based on their scholastic achievements, resume, interest in science, and recommendations.
  • Students must have taken chemistry and/or physics courses.
  • Qualified applicants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents.
  • We aim to broaden participation and so encourage students with diverse experiences & perspectives to apply.
  • Students must be within daily commuting distance of Penn’s campus to attend the program in person each day (note: there is no option for housing and we do not provide travel support).