Feb 01, 2024
10 weeks
February 1, 2024
Physics and Engineering Research Experience at Miami University


When will the program run?

The REU program will be offered for a ten-week period during the summer of 2024 and has been cancelled for summer 2023 due to lack of funding. Check back in the winter to apply for the summer 2024 program.

Participants should plan to spend the entire time at Miami University. This is a full-time program, i.e., there is no “extra time” for activities such as employment, or taking summer classes. You must be able to commit to the full ten weeks of the program. If you cannot do that (e.g. your college semester ends after May 30), then you will not be admitted.

Regular activities are scheduled Monday through Fridays, acknowledgement of Memorial Day and Independence Day will be off. While some recreational and social activities will take place on weekends, most weekends will be off.

What will you do?

You will be assigned to work on a  project as part of a research group  based on your preferences and available faculty mentors. Research groups may consist of one or more undergraduate or graduate students under the direction of a faculty mentor from Miami’s Department of Physics or one of the engineering departments. In addition to working on research projects, the students of the REU program will participate in professional development activities, as well as social activities. REU students will also have access to recreational facilities on campus, such as the Recreation Center and the Goggin Ice Center for a fee.


  • In order to participate in this REU you must be an undergraduate student majoring in physics or a closely related field and have completed at least a full year of introductory college-level physics by the time the REU begins.
  • The program is open to US citizens and to US permanent residents.