10 weeks
Physics at Kansas State University - Insteractions of Matter, Light and Learning


The K-State Physics REU program offers summer fellowships to do world-class research in our friendly department in the scenic Flint Hills. We are funded by the National Science Foundation.


The Kansas State Physics REU summer research program offers students an opportunity to perform cutting-edge research here at K-State with one of the research groups in our friendly department. As a student in our program, you will be paired with a faculty mentor who will advise you on a research project for the summer. You will also spend time in a classroom learning directly from the faculty about the physics behind the projects and hearing about other research projects in the department, as well. Philosophy faculty will lead discussions on ethical issues in physics, including case studies of some famous ethical violations in recent years. Throughout the summer, participants will give informal oral updates on their research projects to the members of the cohort, and at the end of the summer, each student will create a web page and give a capstone oral presentation, summarizing their work over the summer.


To apply, you will need to provide the following information via our online application.

  • Name and email address of a person who will be submitting a letter of recommendation on your behalf. You should ask your recommender to email your reference letter to reu@phys.ksu.edu on your own.
  • Current cumulative GPA
  • Copy of your transcripts
  • Short diversity statement (~500 characters)
  • Brief personal statement (~3/4 page) that includes your academic and career goals, research interests, and why you want to participate in the Physics REU. It is beneficial to identify faculty you are interested in working with and explain why you'd like to work with them. You can see available faculty members in a list of participating research areas atΒ www.phys.ksu.edu/reu/recent-projects/). You will be asked to insert text directly online or upload a file.
  • College students who have completed a course in modern physics are eligible. US citizens and permanent residents are encouraged to apply.*