Jan 22, 2024
10 weeks
January 22, 2024
Physics/JILA REU Program


The Physics JILA Research Experience for Undergraduates Program is designed to equip you with the skills, experience, and supportive community to make your career trajectory tangible. This life-changing experience gives you hands-on opportunities to inspect the world around you with the guidance of an established CU Boulder Physics faculty member.

The intellectual focus of this REU program is physics. Undergraduate students are paired up with preeminent faculty to do cutting-edge research in essentially all fields of physics.

Although the main emphasis of the summer is centered on each student's individual research lab, students have the opportunity to engage with a variety of other activities during the program. In the past, these have included workshops on ethics in STEM and programming on "Getting into Grad School", hands-on electronics and machining classes, as well as lab tours and a weekly science seminar series.

At the end of the program, we host a day of research presentations given by each of the REU students.


All student participants in the Physics/JILA REU Program must:

  • Be U.S. citizens or have permanent resident status
  • Have completed at least 1 year of college by the start of the program
  • Not have graduated college at the start of the program