Feb 05, 2024
10 weeks
February 5, 2024
Physics Research at Brigham Young University


The BYU Department of Physics and Astronomy runs an NSF-funded summer research program for undergraduate students (REU) and secondary school teachers (RET). There are exciting opportunities in a number of areas including optics (using lasers of all kinds including ultrashort pulse and UV lasers), computer modeling, plasmas, solid state and thin film science, acoustics, theory, and astronomy.

REU: Undergraduate participants will receive a $6,000 stipend, round-trip travel expenses to Provo, Utah, free housing (for outside students), and a food stipend. In addition, after the program is over, selected students will be funded to travel to a regional or national conference to give a presentation on their research results.


  • Undergraduates in the REU program must be enrolled at an accredited U.S. college or university and must have at least one semester to complete after the REU program is over. REU students also must agree to the Code of Conduct, including the BYU Honor Code. Students are generally placed in BYU-sponsored housing paid for by the REU program; placement in this housing also involves REU students being accepted as "visiting students" which requires a 2.5 GPA, no criminal history, being enrolled in research credits (paid for by the REU program), and receiving an "ecclesiastical endorsement" after acceptance to the program. The ecclesiastical endorsement involves an interview with a church leader to verify the student understands and agrees to the expectations of the BYU Honor Code. LDS students meet with their local bishop; non-LDS students meet either with their own ecclesiastical leader, a local LDS bishop, or the nondenominational BYU chaplain.
  • Teachers in the RET program must be currently employed as a secondary school teacher. NSF requires that all participants must be U.S. citizens or permanent resident aliens. RET participants must also agree to the Code of Conduct, including the BYU Honor Code.
  • If you are an international student please consider applying for the Fletcher Research Internship instead as there is no REU funding for international students.
  • You are also welcome to contact us to describe your specific situation if you have any Β other questions about eligibility; see the "Contact Us" tab.