Feb 06, 2024
10 weeks
February 6, 2024
Plant Genome Research Program Internship (NSF REU & USDA REEU)


  • Undergraduate students participate in the Plant Genome Research Program (PGRP) summer internship program and learn how basic plant research can be applied to protect the environment, enhance human health, and improve agriculture.
  • PGRP undergraduate researchers gain knowledge of plant genomics and scientific research by working closely with their mentors, postdoctoral fellows, and graduate students in a laboratory setting.
  • Undergraduate researchers will learn the latest molecular biology techniques and bioinformatics tools while working on a supervised, independent research project within the framework of the assigned laboratory’s research program.
  • Interested undergraduate students should apply through the BTI application form.


  • All applicants for both REU programs will be required to submit an essay, unofficial transcripts, a resume, and 2 letters of recommendation.
  • To be eligible for our undergraduate programs, students must be US citizens or permanent residents, over the age of 18 by June 2, 2024.
  • Students should also be currently enrolled in a degree-granting program and not have graduated with a bachelors degree by the start of the program, or must not have earned a bachelors degree by the start of the program and are currently enrolled or in the process of transferring to a degree-granting program.