Feb 01, 2024
9 weeks
February 1, 2024
Princeton Neuroscience Institute (PNI) Summer Internship Program


The Princeton Neuroscience Institute (PNI) is offering a summer internship program for highly motivated visiting undergraduates, providing education and hands-on research experience in the field of neuroscience. Participants will closely collaborate with students and faculty at the PNI on original research projects, and thereby gain invaluable first-hand experience on what it is like to be a neuroscientist. Summer interns will also participate in group educational activities, including weekly foundational overview lectures from PNI faculty, lab meetings with the researchers with whom they will work, journal club reading groups, plus special forums on topics such as career advice and graduate school application preparation.

The summer undergraduate research program is geared towards undergraduates who have a strong passion for scientific research and are seriously considering graduate studies in neuroscience. We encourage applications from future researchers whose participation will add to the diversity of researchers in the sciences, or who are from institutions that do not have large research programs. Students are expected to fully participate in all PNI summer internship program activities. Internal Princeton University students are encouraged to apply to funding opportunities provided by the Office of Undergraduate Research.


  • Non-Princeton undergrads
  • Must be Sophomores or Juniors
Research Topics