Mar 25, 2022
10 weeks
March 25, 2022
Research Experience for student Veterans in Advanced Manufacturing and entrePreneurship (REVAMP)


The Research Experience for Student Veterans in Advanced Manufacturing and Entrepreneurship (REVAMP) program is funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) as a Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) summer site. The Georgia Tech Manufacturing Institute (GTMI) hosts the program to train undergraduate students in the fundamental principles of:

Advanced manufacturing science and technology

The transition of basic discoveries in manufacturing science into innovative commercial products and processes.

The Georgia Tech Manufacturing Institute (GTMI) hosts a 10-week National Science Foundation (NSF) sponsored Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) site and program, Research Experience for student Veterans in Advanced Manufacturing and Entrepreneurship (REVAMP). REVAMP has maintained demographics of at least 50% student veterans and more than 40% underrepresented minorities with STEM majors. REVAMP leverages the facilities, faculty, staff, and interdisciplinary environment of GTMI, as well as the world-class entrepreneurial expertise of the GT Enterprise Innovation Institute (EI2). REVAMP collaborates regularly with a few organizations under the umbrella of EI2 including (1) the Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA) Atlanta Business Center, (2) VentureLab (who leads the NSF I-Corps South node), and the Advanced Technology Development Center (ATDC, one of the top startup incubators in the nation).

In 2021, under the supervision of GT faculty mentors, a total of 10 REU students performed fundamental research projects in several advanced manufacturing topic areas such as additive and hybrid manufacturing, composite joining and repair, cell therapy manufacturing, robotic machining, integrated computational materials engineering, IoT sensors and data analytics for adaptive manufacturing, and nanoscale 3D printing. REVAMP’s major program activities include a seminar series on a broad array of manufacturing-related topics by GT faculty and graduate students, external manufacturing plant tours, experiential learning classes on the fundamentals of evidence-based entrepreneurship provided by VentureLab and ATDC, and three oral presentations delivered by students to demonstrate their research progress. In addition, student veterans had a welcome orientation as well as panel discussion and luncheon events together with GTRI veteran faculty and the GT Veterans Resource Center director along with tours of GTRI facilities on main campus and Marietta locations.

REVAMP is a 10-week summer program that is being held from May 25 – Aug. 3, 2022, at the Georgia Tech Manufacturing Institute, located on the Georgia Institute of Technology main campus. Students work under the supervision of a faculty mentor to complete a research project centered on cutting edge manufacturing science and technology. They also receive entrepreneurship training through attending seminars and learning from successful startup companies. Learn more about REVAMP research areas (shown below).

Benefits Each Student Receives

  • $5000 Stipend
  • On-campus housing
  • $500 support towards travel
  • Professional development
  • Leadership skills
  • Entrepreneurship training
  • Hands-on training in manufacturing research
  • Tours of manufacturing facilities
  • Conference opportunities


  • Undergraduate students in all STEM majors
  • Student veterans, minorities, and women in STEM fields are strongly encouraged to apply
  • U.S. citizenship or permanent residency is required
Research Topics