Apr 01, 2024
10 weeks
April 1, 2024
Research Experience for Undergraduates in Chemistry at Western Washington University


This program is supported by funds from the National Science Foundation as part of the Research Experiences for Undergraduates Program. The primary purpose of the REU program at WWU is to provide an authentic research experience for undergraduate students with limited access to research at their home institution. The REU program is open to all undergraduate students that meet the qualifications listed below. An emphasis will be placed on admitting students from community colleges and those underrepresented in STEM.

Projects involving REU students at Western Washington University are available in four main fields of study (synthetic chemistry, biochemistry, materials chemistry and computational chemistry). There are 3-5 faculty members in each of these categories, which are listed below. In addition to being heavily involved in a research project, REU participants will participate in other activities, including a series of weekly professional development workshops, field trips to sites of local interest, and a final symposium/poster session.

The REU Fellowship includes a $6,250 stipend, housing (type TBD - likely shared on-campus apartment with a kitchen), a $1,000 allowance for meals, and reimbursement for reasonable relocation travel expenses.


  • be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident
  • not be graduating before the summer
  • be a full-time student
  • be available for full-time research work (minimum of Monday-Friday, 9:00 am-5:00 pm) throughout the program duration (For 2024: June 25-Aug 29)
  • All portions of your application must be received on or before April 1. Offers may be extended throughout the application process, and all positions may be filled prior to the deadline. Thus, you are highly encouraged to submit your application well before the deadline. The WWU REU Program especially welcomes applications from community college students, women and students from populations that are underrepresented in the sciences.