Feb 15, 2024
10 weeks
February 15, 2024
Research Experience for Undergraduates in Molecular Genetics and Cell Biology


The Department of Molecular Genetics and Cell Biology at the University of Chicago is at the forefront of research in molecular mechanisms underlying cell biology and organismal development. Current faculty work on fundamental problems in biology using a wide range of model systems including viruses, bacteria, protozoa, fungi, plants, nematode worms, fruit flies, fish and mice. With funding from the National Science Foundation, the Department offers an exciting opportunity for talented undergraduates to acquire experience in research. This program is designed for students who are interested in attending graduate school and pursuing a career in science. MGCB Summer Internships allow students to devote themselves to research projects, working in collaboration with graduate students or postdoctoral fellows, to address important problems in biology.

Interns will be hosted by research laboratories in the department, most of which are housed in the Cummings Life Sciences Center, with several laboratories in a nearby building. Interns will have full access to the advanced instrumentation available in the host laboratories as well as in a large set of superb core facilities, including advanced light and electron microscopy, next-generation DNA sequencing, and a wide range of biophysical approaches.


  • This program is limited to students whose home institution is not the University of Chicago.
  • Participants must be citizens or permanent residents of the United States and have a strong interest in research.
  • The MGCB REU program is designed to encourage and enhance the participation of students from schools without large research programs and from members of minorities currently underrepresented in the sciences.
  • We will not accept applicants who are currently enrolled in institutions with PhD programs in Biological Sciences comparable to the University of Chicago.
  • Applicants currently enrolled in their junior year of college are preferred, but students in earlier years will also be considered.