Feb 22, 2024
10 weeks
February 22, 2024
Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) in Microbiology


The Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) in Microbiology at the Host-Pathogen Interface at The University of Iowa seeks to foster the careers of the next generation of microbiologists. We do this by providing an intensive 10-week research experience for bright and ambitious undergraduates who are considering a PhD in microbiology or an allied discipline. We plan to support 10 students in our REU in Summer 2024. Our application deadline is February 22, 2024. We hope that this experience will encourage students to pursue a career in basic science and give them the skills they need to succeed in that career path. The focus of the program is a hands-on research project conducted under the guidance of faculty and graduate student mentors. Students will also attend lectures to broaden their understanding of microbiology and educate them about graduate school and career options.

Overview of the Program

  • Participants conduct full-time, hands-on research in microbiology, microbial genetics, or molecular biology.
  • A list of recent summer REU projects can be found here.
  • A list of potential faculty mentors can be found here. Clicking on the names will take you to descriptions of the faculty members' research interests.
  • Enrichment activities include weekly seminars and workshops on graduate school and career opportunities. REU 2023 Schedule of Events
  • At the end of the summer students present their findings in a campus-wide poster session.
  • Program lasts for 10 weeks (May 20-July 26, 2024).
  • Participants receive a $6,500 stipend plus a $1,000 supplement for food and other living expenses.
  • On-campus housing is provided at no cost to the participants.
  • Travel costs are paid by the program.


The program is intended for undergraduates who:

  • Will be returning to their home institution for at least one semester of undergraduate study before graduation.
  • Are interested in pursuing graduate school and a career in biological research.
  • Are United States citizens or permanent residents (hold a green card). DACA students are not eligible.
  • Have limited access to research opportunities at their home institution.
  • Prior research experience is NOT a requirement.
  • This program seeks to improve diversity in the biological sciences.
  • Disabled students, minority students, military veterans, students whose parent(s)/legal guardian(s) have not completed a bachelor's degree, and economically-disadvantaged students are especially encouraged to apply.
Iowa City