Feb 03, 2024
10 weeks
February 3, 2024
Research Experiences for Undergraduates in Astronomy & Planetary Science


The research projects available vary from year to year, and have included planetary science, astrogeology, stellar astrophysics, instrumentation work, and extragalactic research. Our program is in person and runs from early June through early August.

Accommodations can usually be made for students on the quarter system who cannot start that early. Students will be enrolled at Northern Arizona University and receive one hour of credit; tuition and fees will be covered by the program. The total stipend is $5900, and each student will be eligible to receive up to $700 in travel expense reimbursement. Housing is included with the program, and room choices are based on availability at the NAU dorms (i.e. single or shared rooms).

Although most of the studentsโ€™ time will be spent on research, participants are required to attend a seminar series that will meet twice weekly. Some of the seminars will be on observational techniques, but the majority will be talks by Flagstaff astronomers and visitors on their research. We will also visit some of the local scientific facilities. Each student will have an opportunity to observe on local telescopes. Funds are also available for each student to present the results at a scientific meeting during the following year.


In order to be eligible, students must be:

  • citizens or permanent residents of the United States or its possessions AND
  • be enrolled in an undergraduate degree program.
  • Students graduating prior to the start of the summer program are not eligible.
  • We particularly encourage the applications of women and under-represented minorities.