Feb 01, 2024
10 weeks
February 1, 2024
Research Experiences for Undergraduates Program in Physics and Astronomy


We host a summer REU program in Physics & Astronomy. The 10-week program introduces students to the nature of research-oriented careers in physics & astronomy, and fosters development of research-related skills and knowledge. Participants are encouraged to select their own mentor based on their interests and mutual agreement.

Weekly seminars, field trips and workshops provide students with additional skills development, professional development topics such as ethics and patents/intellectual property, and an introduction to common research resources. Many events occur in conjunction with concurrent LSU summer undergraduate science programs in space science, computational science, and biomedical sciences. 


  • You must be an undergraduate student in any academic year (freshman through senior) at the time of the summer program.  Applications from students at community colleges and other institutions with limited research opportunities are particularly encouraged.
  • You don't need to have a declared major, but you must have already completed the introductory physics sequence at your school.
  • Participants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents to be supported by our NSF funding.

To Apply

1. Your application comprises:

  • A completed online application
  • A Self-statement, up to 1 page in length, submitted as part of your online application:
  • The 1-page Self-statement should describe your academic background, your interests, and your tentative career plans. The Statement should indicate why you feel REU participation would benefit you and your future plans; also, describe how you believe you can contribute to your mentor’s research topic. If applicable, you are welcome to describe prior undergraduate research experience, as well as any other information that you feel may be useful to our assessment. Finally, please indicate your preferred mentor and/or topic area. (Note, however, that final mentor confirmation occurs after selection of participants.)
  • Your current college transcript(s) submitted as part of your online application:
  • Unofficial transcripts are acceptable, for instance a scanned copy of an official transcript,  please scan with at least 200 dpi resolution and format as a PDF file. If your school provides you with online access to your transcript or degree audit, a PDF printout of this may also be acceptable. In either case, the electronic copy of your transcript must be directly traceable to your school registrar. A handwritten list of courses, or a copied transcript modified by hand/typewriter/computer, will not be accepted.  If your school requires the transcript be sent directly to recipients, they should be sent to pareu@lsu.edu.
  • Letters of reference from 2-3 professors. The Referee Instructions can be downloaded and given to your professors.  References should be submitted using this form.

2. Application is via a web form linked above.  You should also submit your personal statement and transcript as part of the web form so you should have them ready before you begin.

Baton Rouge