Mar 01, 2024
8 weeks
March 1, 2024
Research Experiences in Computational Sciences and Engineering


This REU Site: Research Experiences in Computational Sciences and Engineering is engaging 8 undergraduate students each summer for 8 weeks in solving real-world problems of significant importance using methods from computational sciences and engineering.

Students enhance their understanding of engineering and scientific concepts, perform research with an applied focus, develop problem solving and technical report writing skills, improve their communication and teamwork skills, and feel members of and contributors to a learning community by working on projects from engineering and computational sciences in an interdisciplinary environment.

Research projects expose a diverse body of students to problems in computational sciences and engineering and solving them through the application of methods from artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, data analytics, machine learning, human centered computing, bioinformatics, process automation, structural engineering, and data driven safety management. The hands-on experiences significantly enhance student’s problem-solving skills, appreciation of the role of the scientific method for solving or investigating societal problems, and the link between theory and practice.

Highlights of the High Impact and Transformative Experience at the University of Houston-Downtown:

- Research activities in an interdisciplinary environment

- Mentoring by UHD faculty

- Engagement with local graduate schools and industry partners

- Graduate school preparation and professional development

- Social and teaming activities



  • The NSF ETAP application requires applicants to be a citizen, national, or permanent resident of the United States or its territories.
  • Applicants must remain an undergraduate student in good standing and plan to complete an undergraduate degree program (in STEM, for this REU).
  • REU participants must be 18 years of age at the start of the program.
