Feb 15, 2024
10 weeks
February 15, 2024
REU and Independent Research Program


The Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory (RMBL) will offer the Undergraduate Education Program, including awarding REU’s and scholarships.  The onsite program dates are June 9-August 14, 2024, plus the equivalent of 2 days of remote programming in May/June. This is a 10 week program. In 2020 and 2021, the summer program was a successful hybrid of local, on-site, and off-site students, with a similar mix of on-site and off-site scientist mentors.  RMBL anticipates accommodating the majority of students and mentors on-site in 2024, as allowable by COVID-19 safety protocols.

Our program has two tracks which differ in the degree of initial independence students experience when learning about and conducting field research. We encourage students of all backgrounds and with varying levels of experience to apply to each of the tracks. We review applications, choose a group of students that comprises a diverse mix, and place students in the program that best fits their experience and expectations. Approximately twenty students will be in each independent research track.  Both programs run concurrently during the ten-week session from June 9 -August 14.  

Some students may be asked to arrive earlier or stay later if necessary for their particular project; start and end dates are flexible. However, students are expected to participate in the education program for 10 weeks, regardless of start date. The assumption is that the majority of students will reside onsite or locally off-site, if they have a home in the county. Students with special circumstances may inquire with the Education Programs Coordinator about the possibility of participating in the program partly or entirely remotely. Additionally, students wishing to turn their research into a senior thesis should contact the Education Programs Coordinator to help coordinate with their home institution.


  • REU awards are restricted to students who are not only citizens or permanent residents of the United States, but also have not graduated from college before the dates of the program.  
  • Minorities underrepresented in the biological sciences are strongly encouraged to apply.
  • At least one year of college biology is recommended for students conducting independent research.  
  • Any student 18 or older, who is interested in a career in field biology, is eligible to apply to this program.
  • US citizens and permanent residents are eligible to receive RMBL full and partial scholarships. However, REU awards are restricted to students who are not only citizens or permanent residents of the United States, but also have not graduated from college before the dates of the program.
  • The REU awards are for students who must work in the summer to pay for their education. We have offered this program since 1994, and it has been highly competitive, with more than 200 applicants annually for approximately ten REU positions.  RMBL also has a large selection of full and partial scholarships. All students applying for Financial Aid must complete the Financial Aid Form.
Crested Butte