Jan 31, 2024
10 weeks
January 31, 2024
Research Triangle – Research Experience for Undergraduates (RT-REU) on Hybrid Perovskite Materials


The RTNN hosts a collaborative REU site that leverages the strength of collaborative research on hybrid materials, specifically hybrid perovskites, together with the integrated nanotechnology tools of the RTNN to provide a state-of-the-art research experience on a timely research topic that has direct and tangible technological applications (e.g. solar cells, lighting, lasers). Each year, twelve students conduct research in faculty labs across the three RTNN institutions: the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, North Carolina State University, and Duke University. The project is led by Professors Jim Cahoon (UNC), David Mitzi (Duke), and Aram Amassian (NC State).

Hybrid perovskites are exciting materials that enable state-of-the-art technology for solar cells, lighting, lasers and more. We are seeking undergraduate applicants to experience novel research on this topic during Summer 2024 under the guidance of renowned faculty at UNC-Chapel Hill, NC State University, and Duke University. Participating faculty span the departments of Chemistry, Physics, Materials Science, and Applied Science.


  • Applicants must be enrolled in an undergraduate degree program and be a US Citizen or permanent resident
