Feb 10, 2024
9 weeks
February 10, 2024
REU at the Shannon Point Marine Center


Since 1990, The Shannon Point Marine Center has received funding from the National Science Foundation for the Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program to support undergraduate students to conduct supervised research with a faculty advisor.

Each summer, eight selected students spent nine weeks at the Shannon Point Marine Center conducting original research with a faculty adviser. At the end of the session, students produced a written and an oral report based on the results of their work. Student research projects have addressed productivity and nutrient cycling in local watershed systems; ocean acidification; marine microbial ecology; marine chemical ecology; physiology of symbiosis; ecology and physiology of seaweeds; invertebrate larval development, physiology, ecology; and environmental toxicology.

Funding from the U.S. National Science Foundation provides participant financial support including:

  • A $6300 stipend for the summer
  • A $675 food allowance. Participants are responsible for purchasing and preparing their own food. There is a well-equipped kitchen facility for that purpose.
  • Housing in the SPMC dormitory
  • A travel allowance up to $875


  • Applicants must be citizens or permanent residents of the U.S. and its possessions and must be enrolled in a 2- or 4- year institution of higher education. Students who have received a bachelor’s degree before the start date of the program are ineligible.
  • Continuing SPMC’s long-standing tradition of working with diverse students, we strongly encourage applications from underserved, underrepresented, and under-resourced groups. Applications are welcome from students at any stage of their undergraduate degree program.