Mar 15, 2024
10 weeks
March 15, 2024
REU in Cellular Bioengineering: From Biomaterials to Stem Cells


Rutgers is the home to a Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) site on Cellular Bioengineering - From Biomaterials to Stem Cells. This program is supported by grants from the National Science Foundation, including a new 3-year award to continue the program through Summer 2023. The REU was established as a pipeline activity of an IGERT training program in the Integrated Science and Engineering of Stem Cells under which it ran from 2003-2009. The REU Program serves a diverse population of students to whom cutting-edge research experiences are not typically available and thus broadens the pipeline to graduate school for a wide range of students. The current program is led by Professor David Shreiber (PI) and Maribel Vazquez (co-PI) and has operated as an REU since 2010, succesfully providing research opportunities and professional development to fourteen cohorts totaling 134 students.


  • All participants must be US Citizens or Permanent Residents.
  • Preference is given to students who have completed their junior year.
  • Outstanding sophomores and first-years may be considered.
  • Graduating seniors are not eligible.
  • Persons from groups traditionally under-represented in science and engineering professions are particularly encouraged to apply.
  • Please note: this program is designed to bring external students to Rutgers for the summer. Therefore, Rutgers students are not eligible.

New Brunswick