Feb 23, 2024
9 weeks
February 23, 2024
REU: Research Experience for Undergraduates at Coe College


This program is funded by the National Science Foundation and the DoD Assure program, with additional support provided by Coe College. The research program is scheduled to begin approximately June 5 and conclude August 7, 2024. A stipend in the amount of $5,092 is awarded to all participating students. Free on-campus housing will be provided by Coe College, and travel funds are available to assist with moving expenses.

A variety of exciting research projects and the biographical sketches of participating faculty are described in Mentors and Projects. All students interested in the research experience at Coe College are encouraged to apply. An additional goal of our program is to provide a research experience for students from institutions where opportunities are limited, first-generation college students, and students from other under-represented groups.

Government eligibility requirements stipulate that participants be citizens or permanent residents of the US.


  • Government eligibility requirements stipulate that participants be citizens or permanent residents of the US.
  • All students interested in the research experience at Coe College are encouraged to apply.
  • An additional goal of our program is to provide a research experience for students from institutions where opportunities are limited, first-generation college students, and students from other under-represented groups.

Cedar Rapids