Feb 15, 2024
10 weeks
February 15, 2024
SAO/NSF Solar REU Program


This summer, scientists from the Solar and Stellar X-Ray Group (SSXG) and the Solar, Stellar, and Planetary Group (SSP) at the Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian (CfA) will host undergraduate students from around the US. For 10 weeks these students will participate in cutting edge astronomical research about the Sun and the heliosphere, and learn the skills necessary for a successful scientific career. Projects range from data analysis to computer modeling to instrument building. Special seminars will be held to increase students' public speaking and computer programming skills. Students will learn from experience about scientific research and how to apply their academic work to real-world problems. Of course, some time will be devoted to exploring Cambridge, MA and the surrounding area.


  • Provide a high-quality research experience for students.
  • Foster participation by women and underrepresented minorities in scientific research.
  • Accomplish state-of-the-art solar research.
  • Develop independence, creativity, and interest for possible physics and astronomy graduate study.
  • Demonstrate how academic knowledge acquired in classes applies to real-world research problems.
  • Strengthen practical skills in data analysis, computer programming, theory, numerical modeling, laboratory techniques, and communication.
  • Develop competence and confidence in presenting scientific results in a public forum.


To participate in the program, applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • Must be a part-time or full-time undergraduate enrolled in a degree-granting program (associate's or bachelor's) at an accredited college or university either currently or starting in the fall term of 2024
  • Must not have graduated before the end of the REU program (August 9, 2024) unless starting a new undergraduate-level degree-granting program (associate's or bachelor's) in the fall term of 2024
  • Must not have been enrolled in a graduate-level degree-granting program (certificate, master's, or doctorate) at any point prior to the start of the program
  • Must be 18 years of age or older by the start of the program (June 3, 2024)
  • Must be a US citizen, US national, or US permanent resident (green card holder)
  • Must not be enrolled at Harvard University either currently or starting in the fall term of 2024