Jan 15, 2024
11 weeks
January 15, 2024
Simons-NSBP Scholars Program (SNSP)


The SNSP has several components that are specifically designed to provide scholars with the best experience possible.

• Research: Scholars work on a wide range of projects. In years past, these projects have included: modeling gravitational waves in the early universe, developing sensors for measuring the cosmic microwave background, searching for new exoplanets, exploring quantum computers, learning the dynamics of the spread of COVID, and building neural networks. Each of these projects is at the cutting edge of its field, and our scholars have been able to make valuable contributions to the projects on which they have worked.

• Speaker Series: There are many Black physicists working on exciting projects in a variety of areas. During each week of the program, scholars hear from a new speaker about their work.

• Professional Development: The SNSP has weekly programming to help scholars advance their career. These workshops discuss topics ranging from graduate school applications to dealing with imposter syndrome.

We anticipate that the 2024 SNSP will have computational and experimental projects.

• Computational projects will be performed in New York City and will be supervised by scientists from one of the Flatiron Institute’s five computational centers: the Center for Computational Astrophysics, the Center for Computational Biology, the Center for Computational Mathematics, the Center for Computational Neuroscience, or the Center for Computational Quantum Physics.

• Experimental projects will be done in Simons Observatory laboratories. Decisions as to the sites of these projects has not been finalized, but the possible locations include Princeton University, University of Pennsylvania, University of California San Diego, and National Institute of Standards and Technology in Boulder, Colorado. Scholars working on experimental projects will attend the program’s opening and closing ceremonies at the Flatiron Institute in New York City

The program will start end of May 2024 and last for 11 weeks. The specific details for 2024 will be provided when the program begins. The 2024 SNSP will kick off with an opening ceremony at the Simons Foundation in New York City. All scholars (computational and experimental) will be flown to New York City for the ceremony, as well as an intense five-day computing boot camp.


  • The SNSP is open to undergraduate members of the NSBP. We especially encourage applications from (1) students entering the final year of undergraduate studies and/or (2) students studying in non-graduate degree granting departments.
  • If you aren’t yet a member of the NSBP, you can join here: https://nsbp.org/general/register_member_type.asp?.

New York