Feb 10, 2024
10 weeks
February 10, 2024
Summer 2024 IPREFER Undergraduate Internships (PAID)


Our program offers students from all majors an opportunity to work with teams of researchers who are contributing to the Integrated Pennycress Research Enabling Farm & Energy Resilience (IPREFER) project. Researchers in this multidisciplinary project are working to develop pennycress (Thlaspi arvense) for use as a source of biofuel, animal feed, and edible oil. In addition to diversifying farmers’ economic opportunities, pennycress provides environmental benefits, including reduced soil erosion and nutrient runoff, protection of water sources, suppression of weeds, and support for pollinator health and biodiversity.

IPREFER Interns Will Gain:

- Technical skill in disciplinary research related to crop growth and production practices, education/communication, plant breeding, plant genetics, pollinator communities, post-harvest processing and storage, or water quality research.

- Cross-disciplinary competencies needed for collaborative work on bio-based solutions to food, energy, and environmental challenges.

- Increased proficiency in science communication.

- …and other skills specific to the discipline of choice, such as phenotyping, DNA extraction, PCR, gas chromatography, and other lab techniques.

We welcome students who are interested in gaining new skills and those who want to perfect already-acquired skills.


  • Be enrolled in an undergraduate degree program and working toward a bachelor’s or associate’s degree.
  • Be a sophomore or more advanced level (as of fall 2024). Students are not eligible if they will receive their degree before the beginning of the 2024 fall semester.
  • Have not previously participated in the IPREFER internship program.
  • Be a U.S. citizen or a permanent resident of the U.S.
