Jan 31, 2024
9 weeks
January 31, 2024
Summer Institute in Biomedical Informatics (SIBMI)


The Summer Institute in Biomedical Informatics (SIBMI), now entering its 19th year, is for undergraduates with quantitative interests and skills who aspire to contribute to translational advances in biomedicine with a future PhD or research-oriented MD or MD/PhD.

Features of the program include:

  • Nine weeks long: June 10 – August 9, 2024
  • Applications accepted November 1 – January 31
  • Based in the Department of Biomedical Informatics (DBMI) at Harvard Medical School (HMS)
  • Located in the Longwood Medical Area of Boston
  • Curriculum includes didactic lectures and clinical case studies
  • Mentored research projects and presentation of findings
  • Carefully matched faculty mentors from DBMI
  • Academic and career guidance
  • Peer networks for group learning and social events
  • Opportunities to meet program alumni and top bioinformatics researchers in industry and academia
  • Housing provided in apartment style residence halls walking distance to campus
  • Summer stipend (approximately $4500)
  • Travel allowance (up to $300)
  • Rolling admissions, if necessary application review will be expedited


Can freshmen apply to this program?

  • While we typically admit rising junior and senior students in the latter part of their undergraduate work, we will make an exception for a rising sophomore for whom we feel this would be a transformative experience.

Can international students apply to this program?

  • Applicants must be United States citizens or US permanent residents.

The program begins before the end of my school year. Can I still attend the Institute?

  • Yes, if your school year ends after the program start date you are still eligible to apply. Please inform the program coordinator of this if you are accepted.

School starts before the summer course ends. Can I attend only part of the Institute?

  • The student presentations given during the final week of the summer are an important and integral part of the Institute. All participants are expected to be in residence for the full duration of the program (June – August 2024). However, special dispensation can be given in some extenuating circumstances, please inquire if you anticipate a conflict with your homebase situation.

I am planning on attending medical school; should I apply to this program?

  • The aim of this program is to provide insights into biomedical informatics for students who aspire to engage actively in a research career, typically as a PhD, a MD-PhD or a MD with an active research program. Therefore, our ideal student will demonstrate an existing quantitative perspective and have relevant coursework (e.g., computer science, informatics, biomedical engineering, genetics) on his/her transcript, research experience in the field, and/or a convincing desire to experience this interdiscipline first hand in a demanding, cutting edge research environment as a prelude to structuring the balance of their undergraduate coursework.