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The basis of the Summer Intern Program is a highly individualized research experience for each student coupled with group activities. As an intern in the VIMS/SMS program, you'll work closely with a mentor, and often within the context of a research team, to develop an individual project. Depending on the project, the summer may involve lots of 'hands-on' experience in the field or laboratory, or both. You'll have access to one of the best marine science libraries in the country, as well as extensive computer facilities.
Interns are expected to work with their mentors to develop a project idea in the form of a brief research prospectus, conduct their research, and then present results in a final program that is open to the VIMS community. Interns also prepare a summary research paper that is maintained in the program archives. In some cases, this has been the basis for a subsequent publication in the scientific literature. For more information on intern research projects, check out the student research page.
During the summer we meet every week for a seminar that features a guest speaker discussing topics such as: