Feb 02, 2024
10 weeks
February 2, 2024
Summer Lando/NSF REU


Our Summer Lando/NSF REU is for outstanding national and international undergraduate students. It is designed to encourage students in the chemical sciences to learn more about research in chemistry, and provide them with the opportunity to work in a lab under the direction of a faculty member. We offer a variety of professional and social events for participants throughout the summer.

Applications accepted from students in their sophomore or junior years of undergraduate study in chemistry or closely related fields. This is an international competition. The Lando/NSF REU is open to all students outside the University of Minnesota - Twin Cities.

The status of the 2024 summer program will be contingent to COVID-19 restrictions, but an in-person program is expected.


  • Applicants are accepted from those students who are presently in their sophomore or junior year of undergraduate studies in chemistry or closely related fields.
  • All students who fulfill these requirements are eligible to apply to the NSF/REU and the Lando Chemistry Summer Undergraduate Research Program.
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