Feb 10, 2024
9 weeks
February 10, 2024
Summer Research Opportunities Program (SROP) at Ohio State University


The Summer Research Opportunities Program (SROP) at Ohio State is designed to help historically underrepresented students explore opportunities for graduate study and academic careers. Over the course of nine weeks during the summer, Ohio State SROP participants will conduct research with a faculty mentor on a topic of mutual interest, and participate in activities crucial to preparation for graduate school, including a professional development series. Β At the end of the summer program, participants present their research at the Research Symposium to faculty, staff, and summer scholars.


  • All historically underrepresented undergraduates who are U.S. citizens or permanent residents and meet the criteria listed in the qualifications section below are eligible to participate in the program
  • Applicants must have completed at least one-third of the credit hours required for their undergraduate major, exclusive of the General Education Curriculum (GEC) requirement, by June of the application year
  • They also must have at least one semester/one-quarter of enrollment remaining after the program ends, a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above at the time of application, and an interest in pursuing graduate school at The Ohio State University.
