Feb 21, 2024
8 weeks
February 21, 2024
Summer REU Internship 2024


The Echinacea Project is looking for enthusiastic undergraduate researchers for the 2024 summer field season. Our project investigates how small population size and reduced genetic diversity influence individual fitness, population demographics, plant-insect interactions and evolution in the purple coneflower, Echinacea angustifolia. We seek students with interests in plant population biology, evolution and quantitative genetics, pollination biology, plant-insect interactions, and conservation biology. This REU (research experience for undergraduates) is a great opportunity for aspiring ecologists, conservation biologists, and evolutionary biologists to gain field research experience. There are also opportunities for those with quantitative backgrounds (statistics, math, computer science) to gain experience managing data, programming, or modeling. All will learn about the ecology and evolution of plants in fragmented prairies! Read more general information about our field season.


  • Individuals from groups historically excluded from sciences and conservation are particularly encouraged to apply.
  • We are looking for undergraduate students who are willing to work outdoors in adverse conditions, exhibit patience, pay attention to detail, possess good hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills, work well independently and as part of a team, and have a strong interest in scientific research.
  • During the summer, REU participants must be enrolled in an undergraduate institution and be a US citizen or permanent resident of the US or its possessions.
  • No experience is necessary, but you must be enthusiastic and hard-working.
