Feb 16, 2024
6 weeks
February 16, 2024
Summer Science Program (SSP)


Generous no cost participation in the Summer Science Program located at five campuses, including Univ. of Colorado Boulder, Univ. of North Carolina Chapel Hill, New Mexico Tech, Purdue Univ., and Indiana Univ. SSP is a residential immersion into experimental science, designed to challenge and inspire talented rising seniors from around the world. Working in teams of three, participants complete a research project from beginning to end: either in Astrophysics - near-earth asteroid imaging and orbit determination; Biochemistry - fungal enzyme inhibition and drug discovery; or Genomics - antibiotic resistance and directed evolution. Each team acquires its own original data and performs its own analysis. Field trips and guest speakers round out an intense 39-day schedule.

The Summer Science Program is an independent nonprofit, uniquely governed by its own alumni, faculty, and friends. Hundreds of them donate to SSP each year because they are committed to keeping this life-changing experience financially accessible for every participant. Thanks to our donors, we can subsidize every participant to greater/lesser degree, and by awarding generous need-based financial aid grants up to the full program fee, plus up to $500 for airfare.


  • Applications are open each winter to current high school juniors and exceptional sophomores who have completed the pre-requisites, and will be at least 15 years old, but not yet 19, during program operation.
  • Current freshmen and seniors are not eligible.
  • To meet the prerequisite, a course must be taken for credit and a grade, and completed by June. Self-study does not qualify. If you have not taken the required classes, you are not eligible to apply.
West Lafayette