Feb 28, 2024
10 weeks
February 28, 2024
Summer Training as Research Scholars Program (STARS)


The Summer Training as Research Scholars Program (STaRS) is an on-site summer research program for undergraduates and first-year Boston University medical school students. STaRS offers motivated and academically talented students a valuable opportunity to confirm a strong interest in doctoral studies and a career in research.

STaRS provides scholars with the opportunity to participate in research and to enhance the skills required for successful entrance and completion of a graduate program or an MD/PhD program in the biomedical sciences.

Each STaRS participant is assigned a faculty mentor and will develop faculty-mentored independent biomedical research projects from a broad range of topics – including heart, lung, and blood research. Scholars will be immersed in teams that work in cutting-edge research with a particular focus on disease-oriented projects.

Each STaRS participant will attend academic enhancement sessions, such as: research skills seminars, article presentations, oral and written skills workshops, and seminars on applying to a PhD program or an MD/PhD program in the biomedical sciences. Scholars can also enjoy social and cultural activities in Boston!

The program is grant funded through the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute of the NIH (2R25HL118693) and is particularly interested in individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds. STaRS is run by Boston University’s Graduate Medical Sciences, a recognized leader in graduate education and biomedical research.


Qualified STaRS applicants must have the following:

  • Be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
  • Be a rising junior or rising senior at the start of Summer 2024 (i.e. graduating 2025 and beyond)
  • *If you are graduating in 2024, please see below.
  • Currently enrolled in a STEM** degree program, part-time or full-time, leading to a Bachelor’s degree.
  • Have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale).
  • Have an interest in biological research
  • Have some prior research experience
  • Three letters of recommendation

* Attention Seniors and Recent Grads: GMS has a one year PREP program for students who are graduating in 2024 and who would like additional research experience before applying to graduate school.

**STEM = science, technology, engineering and mathematics (e.g, biology, chemistry, computer science, engineering, earth sciences, health science, information technology, mathematic, and physics)

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