Jan 15, 2024
8 weeks
January 15, 2024
Summer Training in Academic Research and Scholarship (STARS) Program


The Summer Training in Academic Research and Scholarship (STARS) Program is a distinguished summer research opportunity at Brigham and Women’s Hospital for underrepresented in medicine (URiM)* undergraduate rising juniors and seniors, and first-year medical students with a strong interest in pursuing advanced careers as research scientists, physicians and/or health care professionals. The program recruits students from around the US into an eight-week mentored summer program. Students participate in intensive hands-on training in research methods and practice directly in the labs of Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School’s leading researchers.

*Per AAMC guidelines, at BWH, underrepresented in medicine (URiM) includes individuals who self-identify as African American/Black, Alaskan Native, Native American, Hispanic/Latinx and/or Native Hawaiian.


  • Per AAMC guidelines, at BWH, underrepresented in medicine (URiM) includes individuals who self-identify as African American/Black, Alaskan Native, Native American, Hispanic/Latinx and/or Native Hawaiian.
  • 2 Letters of Recommendations (you must make these requests)
  • Unofficial Transcript (First-year medical students only: please have a Letter of Good Standing sent to bwhstars@partners.org)
  • Write your Personal Statement(Please describe in 400-750 words your educational and professional goals, and how your participation in the BWH STARS Program will assist in meeting your goals. Be sure to articulate your qualifications and reasons for wishing to participate in the program. Please upload your personal statement to the application as a word document or PDF file. Be sure to include your last name as a header on all pages.)
