Feb 12, 2024
9 weeks
February 12, 2024
Summer Undergraduate Fellowships in Genetics (SUNFIG)


The Department of Genetics at the University of Georgia invites undergraduates interested in genetics and genomics research to apply for positions in our summer research program. Students will be matched with a faculty mentor in the Department of Genetics and be integrated into a lab as a member of a research team. Over the nine weeks of our program, students participate in the complete research cycle from project design to analysis and presentation. Participants also receive training in bioethics and mentoring in professional development. At the conclusion of the program, students present their work at a poster session.


Research in the areas of biotechnology, developmental genetics, ecological genetics, eukaryotic molecular genetics, evolutionary genetics, genomics, bioinformatics, molecular evolution, and prokaryotic molecular genetics is available within the Department of Genetics.


  • We particularly encourage applications from students who identify with groups historically excluded from the sciences.
  • Applicants must be attending a college or university in the U.S. and must be a U.S. Citizen or Green Card holder to apply for the SUNFIG program.
  • Students currently enrolled at the University of Georgia are not eligible for this program.