Feb 07, 2024
11 weeks
February 7, 2024
Summer Undergraduate Research in Biology


In the summer 2024 (May 6-July 19), Pepperdine University will host the Summer Undergraduate Research Program in Biology (SURB) developed specifically for students who are interested in pursuing a career in biological research, science education, environmental science, biomathematics or biotechnology. Pepperdine biology faculty will work closely with selected students in diverse areas of biological research. Successful applicants will be provided a generous stipend, on-campus housing, a unit of biology research credit, funding for travel to Malibu, and a budget for the purchase of research supplies. Students will be introduced to varied research tools and techniques and will partner with a faculty member to develop a project idea for their summer research. Then the full SURB group will complete their research proposals and engage in a research retreat,often at the James Reserve near Idyllwild, CA. Over the remainder of the summer, students will pursue individual research projects under the direction of their faculty mentor. Guest scientists will periodically visit the program to give seminars and meet with the SURB research students. The research program will conclude with a student research symposium in late July.

Students may elect to study in one of seven areas, and selection criteria include their interest in research-based careers, their academic credentials, and teacher recommendations. Depending on faculty participation, which varies from year to year, students may be accepted to do research in a second or third choice of preference.


  • Applicants must be interested in pursuing a career in biological research, science education, environmental science, biomathematics or biotechnology. They must have completed one year of biology by the summer of 2024 and must be classified as an undergraduate student prior to and during program participation. Participants must be available full-time between May 6- July 19, 2024. The National Science Foundation requires that all participants be United States citizens or a permanent resident of the U.S.
  • The online application, including a brief essay stating the reason(s) why you would like to participate in this program (see application page for full prompt) and unofficial college transcript(s), needs to be submitted via ETAP before 11:59 PM EST on February 7, 2024.
  • One letter of recommendation sent directly from a science faculty member who is familiar with your academic or research work also must be uploaded to ETAP before 11:59 PM EST on February 7, 2024.