Mar 03, 2024
10 weeks
March 3, 2024
TaMaLe - Testing and Machine Learning for Context-Driven Systems: Research Experience for Undergraduates


TaMaLe: Testing & Machine Learning for Software Testing is an REU site project that exposes students to research topics through both competition and collaboration. Students will explore questions in the area of software testing applied to context-driven systems such as mobile apps, IoT devices, and autonomous vehicles, which is a timely and important area of study that can have a large impact on safety and the economy. Students will learn about the basic research process, including literature reviews, identifying important research, developing a research plan, problem-solving, evaluating results, and communicating research ideas and findings through oral and written communication. The program will host a fun and competitive environment to develop research techniques through a competition-based model. For example, one team “argues” that “Combinatorial based Testing” is the way to go and another team “argues” that “Reinforcement Learning based Testing” is better. Students learn that there are trade-offs. A twist is that “competing teams” debate the pros and cons of each approach and learn that they can collaborate by combining multiple approaches.

This REU program provides the opportunity for 10 undergraduate students to spend the summer as part of a cohort that works on research for 10 weeks starting on approximately May 20, 2024. We will accommodate accepted students if their semester ends later than this. Accepted students will receive: (a) The opportunity to work on exciting research. (b) up to $6,000 stipend (total, including housing if the event is held on campus) for 10 weeks. (c) The opportunity to be part of a program that has a strong emphasis on collaboration with other students.


  • Must be a US citizen or US permanent resident
  • Must be enrolled in an undergraduate program in Computer Science, or a related field.
  • Must be an undergraduate in good standing
  • Must complete the on-line application including the brief essay questions.
  • Must submit transcripts.
  • Must ensure two references have submitted their letters of recommendation.
