Dec 25, 2024
15 weeks
December 25, 2024
The Brooklyn College Neuroscience REU Program


Supported by the National Science Foundation (Award # 2050755), the Brooklyn College Psychology and Neuroscience REU Program provides students the opportunity to immerse in rich and innovative mentored research experiences in clinical, cognitive, and behavioral neuroscience. The 15-week program aims to engage students in:

- comprehensive laboratory research,

- scholarly didactics,

- research ethics training, and

- professional research dissemination.

A hands-on education is provided on the scientific process, from idea conception to presentation of results. Mentored research and structured laboratory experiences provide practice in writing, problem-solving, technical, collaboration, and presentation skills. Academic and professional confidence is built through engagement in scholarly didactics, such as attending scientific talks and the discussion of issues in research.

The personal and professional growth experienced is essential for fostering and reaching graduate school aspirations and leads the way toward meaningful scientific careers, especially those in clinical, cognitive, and behavioral neuroscience.

Potential mentored research projects may encompass (but are not limited to) the following topics:

- neuropharmacology of learned flavor preferences

- neural and cognitive underpinnings of memory and language disorders

- identification of biological markers for criminal behavior and schizophrenia

- scientific nature of creativity

- cortical systems that mediate visual perception

- mechanisms of associative learning

- the mechanisms underlying steroid-induced neural plasticity

- sex differences in brain and behavior

All projects will culminate in a first-authored research poster at Brooklyn Collegeโ€™s annual, campus-wide Science Day.


  • Our program seeks talented undergraduate students from diverse ethnic, cultural, and socio-economic backgrounds who seek to obtain a Ph.D. degree.
  • All eligible students are encouraged to apply, especially students who are members of underrepresented groups in the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines, which include but are not limited to students who:
  • are racial/ethnic minorities, first-generation college students, women, or veterans, or
  • have experienced educational and/or economic disadvantage or other personal circumstances that may have impeded their transition to the next stage of training toward a science career.
  • be a U.S. citizen or non-citizen permanent resident,
  • be enrolled as a full- or part-time student at a public college/university in the New York metropolitan area (including SUNY programs and institutions in New Jersey), leading to a baccalaureate or associate degree,
  • have completed an introductory psychology course,
  • have at least sophomore standing (i.e., completed 24 college credits),
  • have an overall GPA of 3.30 or higher (exceptions are possible),
  • have at least one semester of undergraduate school remaining before graduation (eligible applicants should not be a graduating senior), and
  • be able to arrange a class schedule so that only a maximum of two courses from his or her home institution are taken concurrently with the REU program.
