Feb 02, 2024
10 weeks
February 2, 2024
The PARADIM Materials Discovery REU


NSF (National Science Foundation) funds a large number of research opportunities for undergraduate students through its REU Sites program. An REU Site consists of a group of ten or so undergraduates who work in the research programs of the host institution. Each student is associated with a specific research project, where he/she works closely with the faculty and other researchers. Students are granted stipends and, in many cases, assistance with housing and travel. Undergraduate students supported with NSF funds must be citizens or permanent residents of the United States or its possessions. An REU Site may be at either a US or foreign location.

By using the web page, Search for an REU Site, you may examine opportunities in the subject areas supported by various NSF units. Also, you may search by keywords to identify sites in particular research areas or with certain features, such as a particular location.

Students must contact the individual sites for information and application materials. NSF does not have application materials and does not select student participants. A contact person and contact information is listed for each site. (Ref. https://www.nsf.gov/crssprgm/reu/ )

The PARADIM Materials Discovery REU is a 10-week summer program is designed to provide an intensive, mentored research experience for undergraduates, especially those attending institutions with limited research opportunities.

The PARADIM Bulk Crystal Growth Facility is located at Johns Hopkins University. Together with the thin film growth facilities at Cornell, it provides unprecedented capabilities for discovery of new materials and interfaces.

The PARADIM Bulk Crystal Growth Facility is the only facility within the United States where all major optical FZ techniques are available at a single site. In addition, it is the first location in the world to have optical floating zone capability at 300 atm. It is developing the ability to carry out laser pedestal crystal growth in fluids up to 1000 atm of pressure, as well as developing enhanced in situ imaging capabilities (e.g. hyperspectral imaging) to aid and understand growth.

Program 2023 information:

JHU PARADIM REU participants are integrated with highly aligned REU programs at JHU Homewood Campus where they participate in additional scientific enhancement opportunities including a professional development lecture series, social outings in Baltimore and Washington DC, and the Hopkins REU poster symposium with a diverse scientific cohort.  For 2022, JHU PARADIM REU interns receive a $6000 stipend, housing, up to $500 for travel expenses, and sustenance expenses.

Every registered student must be vaccinated and upload proof of vaccination.

Individuals with interest in computation, programming, and materials are especially encouraged to apply.

Four summer 2024 Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) positions are available at the Platform for the Accelerated Realization, Analysis, and Discovery of Interface Materials (PARADIM) facility located on the Johns Hopkins University (JHU) Homewood campus in Baltimore, Maryland.


  • The PARADIM Materials Discovery REU program is open to U.S. citizens and permanent residents.
  • To be eligible, applicants must be enrolled at a two- or four-year college or university. We especially encourage rising sophomores, students at community colleges or other institutions that have limited research opportunities, and “non-traditional” students (e.g., first-generation college attendees, veterans, older students) to apply.
  •  Every registered student must be vaccinated and upload proof of vaccination.