Feb 29, 2024
10 weeks
February 29, 2024
The Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) in Marine and Estuarine Science


With the guidance of a faculty mentor, interns will conduct original research projects in one of a wide range of marine science topics. In addition to laboratory and field research activities, students will participate in field trips to the Maryland Coastal Bays, Virginia Institute of Marine Science Eastern Shore Laboratory, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science Horn Point Laboratory, and Pocomoke State Park.


Students will receive instruction in topics such as scientific ethics, library resources for research, experimental design and data analysis, and scientific writing and communication. Students will present their research to their peers and mentors at a symposium at the Sarbanes Coastal Ecology Center on the final day of the internship.


  • The program is geared toward students interested in careers in Β Marine and Science, with preference given to rising sophomores and rising juniors. All college students are welcome to apply. The number of positions will depend on current funding availability.
Princess Anne