Feb 10, 2024
11 weeks
February 10, 2024
The Summer Research Opportunities Program (SROP)


SROP is a gateway to graduate education at Michigan State University (MSU).  The goal of the program at MSU is to increase the number of domestic under-represented undergraduate students who pursue graduate study and careers in teaching and research at colleges and universities.  MSU SROP helps prepare undergraduates for graduate study through intensive research experiences with faculty mentors and other professional development activities.

MSU SROP helps undergraduate students gain a competitive advantage as a graduate applicant by:

• Intense research activities that broaden technical and presentation skills

• Opportunities to present research results at a program symposium and in local research meetings

• Seminars that introduce students to a range of research fields across disciplinary lines

• Workshops on graduate admission procedures and professional development  

• Informal social gatherings that provide a forum for student and faculty exchange of ideas and perspectives All participants must be available to work 40 hours each week during the program.  Due to the intense research schedule, MSU SROP participants are discouraged to work an additional job or take additional courses during the summer program.


Program Eligibility:

• Be a U.S. citizen or a permanent resident

• Be enrolled in a degree-granting program at a college/university in the U.S., Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands, or other U.S. territory  

• Have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher (on a 4-point scale)

• Have completed at least two (2) semesters of undergraduate education  

• Have at least one semester of undergraduate education remaining after completing the program

• Have an interest in pursuing a graduate degree in one of MSU graduate programs: https://bit.ly/MSUGradprograms

East Lansing