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Our Training and Experimentation in Computational Biology (TECBio): “Simulation and Visualization of Biological Systems at Multiple Scales” REU program is a 10-week summer program that will provide a challenging and fulfilling graduate-level research experience to undergraduate students. A wide variety of theoretical and experimental research projects are available to our participating students. Students will also receive classroom training in topics pertinent to the emerging field of computational biology, such as computational structural biology, cell and systems modeling, computational genomics, and bioimage informatics. Additionally, TECBio students will participate in a weekly journal club, attend research and career seminars organized specifically for the program, take part in an ethics forum that will instruct them in the responsible conduct of research, present their work at a Pittsburgh-wide annual research symposium, and experience the various social and cultural activities available in Pittsburgh – America’s most livable city.
What are the academic backgrounds of TECBio Students?
What is a common feature of successful applicants?
Will my travel costs be paid for?
Your REU program starts towards the end of May, but my university’s final exams aren’t until June. Can I start the program late and make up the work that I missed afterwards?
Can foreign students apply to the program?
I am a senior, can I apply?