Feb 15, 2022
8 weeks
February 15, 2022
UCSB Mathematics Summer Research Program for Undergraduates


The UCSB Summer Research Program for Undergraduates offers upper division undergraduate students with outstanding academic potential the opportunity to work closely with faculty mentors on mathematics research projects for eight weeks during the summer.   The program dates are June - August.

This program is financially supported by the National Science Foundation.

The program has been designed for students who wish to learn more about the research experience and possibly pursue an academic career in teaching and research.  Each student participant will be working individually or in a small group with a faculty mentor in one of the proposed research projects.

Participating students receive an stipend of $6,000.  We will NOT provide housing this year due to reduced budget but we will be able to help participants find housing close to the university that applicants will pay out of their stipend. Remote participation is also an option.

The participants should devote their full time to the program and not engage in any other course work or employment during the eight weeks that the program lasts.


  • Students participating in this program must be United States citizens or permanent residents.
  • Also, students who have already received their bachelor's degree are not eligible.
Santa Barbara