Feb 16, 2024
10 weeks
February 16, 2024
Undergraduate Research Experiences in Coastal and Nearshore


The National Science Foundation’s Research Experiences for Undergraduates adds another level of expertise to students interested in research-based careers. The program is funded by the NSF Division of Ocean Sciences and the Dauphin Island Sea Lab. DISL began hosting the program in 1997 and continues the program based on funding availability from NSF.

The DISL NSF-REU Program aims to provide under-represented groups with limited research opportunities the chance to enhance their CV with a peer-reviewed publication, participate in a poster symposium at the end of the 10 week program, and the opportunity to attend scientific meetings.

Participating students gain experience in field and lab sampling, team and independent research, necropsy, molecular, genomics, analysis and statistics, and communication. The program provides students the opportunity to carry out an independent research project under the direction of a faculty mentor as part of a productive research laboratory.

Any rising sophomore, junior, or senior undergraduate with interests in ecology, biology, chemistry, geology, biomedicine, or physical and environmental sciences can apply to the DISL NSF-REU Program.


  • Applications are invited from undergraduates rising to their sophomore, junior, or senior years with broad interests in ecology, biology, chemistry, geology, biomedicine, and physical and environmental sciences.
  • Students cannot have graduated at the time of the fellowship.
  • Students who have participated in an NSF OCE-funded REU program are not eligible for a second internship without special permission (please contact DISL before applying).
  • Participants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents of the U.S. and its possessions.
  • Minorities, veterans, non-traditional students, and those from underrepresented groups are encouraged to apply.
Dauphin Island