Feb 01, 2023
10 weeks
February 1, 2023
Undergraduate Research in Astronomy (REU)


Our program will run from approximately the last week of May through the last week of July (dates tentative, pending UF Housing arrangements).   Students will work on a diverse range of projects in Astrophysics, with a particular slant toward computationally and data-intensive projects.   Areas of research include, but are not limited to:

  • Galaxy formation and evolution
  • Cosmology and large scale structure
  • Exoplanets
  • Star formation in the Milky Way and nearby galaxies
  • The first stars
  • Compact objects, and LIGO Electromagnetic counterparts
  • The interstellar medium
  • Our program includes a stipend of $6000 for a 10 week Summer, as well as housing on the UF campus.  Students will reside in UF dorms, and will be invited to participate in both professional development activities (i.e. orientation/onboarding;  GRE prep course work; scientific presentation development), as well as social activities.


  • Undergraduate students must be citizens OR permanent residents of the United States. If you are selected for participation and are a permanent resident, you will need to provide a copy of your green card (both sides) as part of your offer letter acceptance.
  • If you have already participated in a UF REU program, you are NOT eligible to participate again.
  • An undergraduate student is a student who is enrolled in a degree program (part-time or full-time) leading to a baccalaureate or associate degree. Students who are transferring from one college/university to another and are enrolled at neither institution during the intervening summer may participate.
  • Students who have already received a Bachelor's degree or who will receive their degree before the end of the program in August 2021 are NOT eligible to participate.
  • Liability demands that our students be 18 years of age or older.
  • Participation in this program is limited to current undergraduate students who are U.S. citizens or permanent residents at least 18 years of age or over, who will not have graduated prior to the end of the program. By signing below, you are stating that you meet these requirements. If your statement is found to be untrue, your application will be denied and you will not be considered in the award process.