Jan 16, 2024
January 16, 2024
Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP)


The Broad Institute is proud to participate in MIT’s Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP). Via UROP, undergraduates have the chance to conduct cutting-edge research in one of Broad’s state-of-the-art laboratories, and work with leading researchers for course credit or pay.

The Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program at MIT (UROP) gives undergraduate students the opportunity to collaborate on and contribute to real research across MIT. It’s a unique, hands-on way to pursue your passions, find new interests, or explore different majors. Whether you’re looking to be part of a faculty project or interested in starting one of your own, there’s a good chance UROP can make it a reality.

Dive into real research

When you UROP, you work side-by-side with mentors and faculty on actual research. Our staff will help guide you through the process of researching and applying for projects, developing a project plan, and preparing to begin your work. Once you get started, you’ll find that you’re a valuable member of the research team, actively contributing to everything from developing proposals and research plans to conducting research and analyzing data.

Flexible options. Endless opportunity.

We know that no two students are quite alike, and that’s why there’s no single way to UROP. Projects can happen both on-campus and in the community; as paid, credit, or volunteer; can last for a summer, a semester, or a year. And UROPs are available in every MIT department, as well as centers and labs throughout the Institute. If you have a great idea you want to bring to life, chances are UROP can make it a reality.


Research work at a corporation or other commercial entity, even under the supervision of an MIT faculty member, is not eligible for the UROP program.

The following individuals are welcome to participate in UROP at MIT:

  • All registered MIT undergraduates in good academic standing, including transfer students.
  • Cross-registered Wellesley College undergraduates participating through the MIT-Wellesley Exchange Program.
  • Students participating in an official MIT Undergraduate Exchange during their semester(s) as registered undergraduates at MIT.

Those not eligible to participate are:

  • Undergraduates from institutions other than those listed above.
  • MIT students who have officially received a bachelor’s degree, unless they are working toward another bachelor’s degree.
  • Incoming MIT first years during the summer prior to fall enrollment.
  • MIT students on leave from MIT or required to withdraw from the Institute by the Committee on Academic Performance (CAP) who are therefore not actively registered students for the given term(s).

Note: Students on Academic Warning should consider the time commitment in UROP participation.  If you are on Warning, consult your academic advisor before beginning a UROP project.

Restrictions for International Students:

  • International students are not eligible to engage in volunteer UROPs and are restricted in the number of hours that may be worked during any given week. During the fall and spring international students are limited to 20 hours per week for all positions combined and during IAP and the summer, 40 hours per week.
  • MIT International students should consult the International Students Office (ISO) and  Wellesley College international students should the Slater International Center for questions related to UROP participation restrictions and planned worked hours. These offices should also be consulted before accepting any UROP opportunity, as there can be limitations and CPT implications based on research location.
  • If you are a Wellesley international student choosing to pursue a paid research opportunity at MIT UROP, please consult with the Slater International Center to obtain proper off-campus work authorization  at least 2 weeks before beginning any paid research opportunity at MIT.

Restrictions for UROPs in International Locations:

  • UROP students planning to work remotely should be sure to heed the guidance provided on the Remote Appointment Guidance for UROP Students page
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