Mar 01, 2024
8 weeks
March 1, 2024
Undergraduate Research Summer Program on Sustainable Materials


The UCSC Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program provides undergraduate students with the opportunity of engage in research in physics, chemistry, and engineering related to the discovery and study of materials that can be used in future sustainable technologies such as low-power electronic devices, renewable energy sources, and biomimetic devices.

The program is especially designed for talented students from community colleges and other non-PhD granting institutions of higher learning who may be thinking of pursuing a post-graduate degree in the sciences or engineering.  Underrepresented minorities in science and engineering are encouraged to apply.

Participants earn a $5,600 stipend for the eight-week program. Housing at the UCSC campus is included.

Research projects involve faculty at the UC Santa Cruz Departments of Physics, Chemistry, and Electrical Engineering.   In addition to the research, students engage in educational and professional development activities, for example, technical writing, oral presentation, scientific poster preparation, and graduate school application skills.

The program also includes field trips to national labs, weekly group meetings to discuss research, and social activities in the beautiful setting of Santa Cruz, CA.  


  • 1) You must have completed one year of college in an institution of higher education in the United States.
  • 2) You must expect to be enrolled as a sophomore, junior, or senior as of the Fall 2024 term at a post-secondary college or university institution in the United States. Students currently attending two- and four-year post-secondary, non-PhD-granting institutions are especially encouraged to apply.
  • 3) You must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
  • 4) You must agree to participate during the entire eight week program.
  • 5) You must agree to complete remote online training and evaluation meetings the week before the program starts.
Research Topics
Santa Cruz