Feb 16, 2024
10 weeks
February 16, 2024
USC Wrigley Institute for Environmental Studies Coastal Ocean Systems and Sustainability


Study the coastal ocean with some of the world’s leading scientists! Funded by the National Science Foundation, our 10-week Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) gets you into the lab and into the field for hands-on, life-changing research experiences that prepare you for a career in science while advancing the twin causes of sustainability and the environment.

The Wrigley Institute summer REU program supports undergraduate students to conduct guided, independent research on coastal ocean processes.

Students participate in:

  • Hands-on research experience
  • Laboratory and field training
  • Introductory lectures and special seminars on oceanography and marine science
  • Professional development workshops, networking, and science training opportunities
  • Cohort-building activities

Participants receive:

  • A $6,000 stipend
  • Room and board at WMSC on Catalina Island and/or USC’s main campus in Los Angeles
  • Reimbursement for travel from home institutions, up to $500
  • Transportation between WMSC and USC’s main campus

In addition to training the next generation of ocean and marine science leaders, the Wrigley Institute REU is dedicated to enhancing equity and inclusion in oceanography and marine science. We seek mentors and student participants who can contribute to this mission both during and after participation in the program.


  • Applicants must be U.S. citizens, U.S. nationals, or permanent residents of the U.S.
  • Applicants must have completed at least one year of undergraduate study by the summer of their participation and must plan to be enrolled in an undergraduate degree program during the following fall semester/quarter. Applicants must not already hold a bachelor’s degree.
  • Previous research experience is NOT required.
  • For this REU program, special consideration will be given to students who attend a university or college in Southern California and/or institutions with limited research training opportunities, but we invite applications from all students nationwide who meet the NSF REU program’s requirements for eligibility. We especially encourage applications from students in groups that are underrepresented in geoscience fields.
Los Angeles