Mar 01, 2024
10 weeks
March 1, 2024
USREV: Undergraduate Summer Research Experience in Virology


The Nebraska Center for Virology (NCV) faculty research challenging topics addressing problems of epidemic proportions facing mankind including AIDS and HIV replication and pathogenesis, herpesvirus latency and cancer, human papilloma virus and cancers, and chlorellavirus biology.  Our goals include designing novel vaccines and therapeutic strategies to block disease.

Each year, NCV invites applications for our Undergraduate Summer Research Experience in Virology (USREV) program from students enrolled at institutions in Nebraska as well as other states, who are motivated to explore the exciting opportunities for careers as scientists in biomedical research, while working with our experienced research faculty along side current graduate students and postdoctoral research associates in their labs.

As a selected student, you will design and implement a tailor-made research project.  You will then conduct exciting and challenging experiments to test hypotheses under the guidance and mentoring of our expert faculty.  As you are being trained in biomedical research, you will have the opportunity to explore cutting edge techniques and gain knowledge of the latest instrumentation by utilizing the equipment in our labs and the core facilities that provide support to our entire NCV faculty.

You will gain experience by learning how to conduct research and from many additional rewarding, enjoyable opportunities for our students including social and recreational activities, and cultural events, as well as self-help seminars that will prepare you in all aspects of graduate school life and beyond including resume writing, graduate school applications, test taking, grant writing and more.


  • U.S. Citizen or Permanent Resident
  • Current undergraduate with at least one semester of coursework remaining before obtaining a bachelor's degree
  • The program seeks to increase graduate school access for students from groups underrepresented in graduate education, including students from minoritized populations, first-generation college students, students with disabilities, and students from low-income families, as well as those from minoritized racial/ethnic groups. We also encourage applications from those attending academic institutions where research programs are limited.
  • accept applications from freshmen, although preference is given to students who are currently juniors and seniors with at least one semester of remaining undergraduate coursework, those who have completed advanced coursework relating to the research area, and those with interest in pursuing an advanced degree. Each research program may have unique criteria or prerequisites.
  • welcome applications from those with a DACA status. However, because DACA students aren’t currently eligible to receive federal aid, it’s advisable to reach out to the program that you’re interested in to see if there is a different funding source available. Be sure to also mention your DACA status in short-answer question 3.
  • Applications from those attending community college are accepted.
  • University of Nebraska-Lincoln undergraduates are eligible to apply to the Nebraska Summer Research Program. However, it is preferrable that UNL students apply to the Undergraduate Creative Activities and Research Experience at Nebraska (UCARE), which is geared directly toward UNL students. The application can be found here:
  • The Nebraska Summer Research Program doesn’t have a minimum GPA requirement for application. However, each research program may have unique criteria or prerequisites. Learn more by visiting the research program pages.
  • Students who have applied to the Nebraska Summer Research Program in the past may apply again. A previous application will not influence your current application.
  • Students who are previous participants may reapply. Each program has different guidelines for acceptance based on their grant, so you should contact the program PI or coordinator for more information.
