Mar 08, 2024
8 weeks
March 8, 2024
VR-REU: Research Experience for Undergraduates in Immersive 3D Visualization


The VR-REU program in immersive visualization and virtual/augmented/mixed reality (VR/AR/MR) will involve 10 students per summer directly in multidisciplinary research projects. Participants will be provided training in immersive 3D visualization tools and technologies. The objective of the program is to inspire participating students to consider STEM as a career path and pursue STEM careers at the graduate level, and specifically target participation of women and underrepresented groups. The program will identify research collaborators with immersive visualization needs and assign each student to a REU team. Each REU team will consist of a research mentor and a REU student. The mentoring team includes members not just from CS but also from diverse backgrounds including film and media, journalism and biological sciences.

Participants will gain hands-on experience doing creative VR/AR/MR and 3D Visualization projects. Students will participate in mentored research projects in data driven research areas, including scientific visualization and visual analytics. Some of the planned research projects include: VR for aiding students with learning disabilities, MicroRNA (Ribonucleic Acid) as a regulator for cell lineage plasticity, immersive remote telepresence and look-alike avatars. This experience will include excursions and social events.

In addition to the exposure to cutting edge research, students selected to participate will receive a travel stipend for one round trip to and from New York City, a housing allowance, a weekly stipend ($700 per week) to cover living expenses and access to research faculty and VR/AR/MR resources to help facilitate their success in the program.


  • Undergraduate students enrolled in a US University or college in good academic standing, with at least one semester remaining in their undergraduate program.
  • Interest in VR/AR/MR and scientific/data visualization from non-technical and technical backgrounds.
  • All majors are encouraged to apply. There is no minimum GPA but applicants are expected to demonstrate a strong interest and passion for research.
  • Applicant must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident of the United States.
  • Accepted students must complete the 8-weeks program and all requirements, which includes attending seminars, project reports, presentations, project website updates, etc.
  • Women and members of under-represented groups are especially encouraged to apply.

New York