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Are you a college-bound high school senior, high school graduate, or current two-year college student with a passion for making your community and the world around you a better and more accepting place? Further, do you reside in and are willing to attend an Act Six Program College in Minneapolis-St. Paul, Tacoma-Seatlle, Yakima Valley, Portland-Salem, Spokane (WA), Chicago, or Indianapolis? If so, you may be eligible for Act Six! Act Six is a leadership and scholarship program that brings together diverse, multicultural cadres of young people who want to use their college education to make a difference on campus and in their communities at home. Each year, they award multiple full-ride scholarships to help the top applicants thrive in college and beyond. To apply, interested students must complete the Act Six Interest Form, then add “Act Six” to their “My Colleges” List on the Common Application, and submit the Common Application. If this sounds like a good opportunity for you, we encourage you to apply! Keep on reading to learn more.
About Act Six
Act Six is a leadership and scholarship program that connects local faith-based community affiliates with faith- and social justice-based colleges to equip emerging urban and community leaders to engage the college campus and their communities at home.