Apr 01, 2024
April 1, 2024
The North Dakota Community Foundation
Audrey Doyle Scholarship


Audrey Doyle Durand Barnes was a "card carrying member" of "The Greatest Generation." She embodied all the attributes that define, quite simply, a good person and caring human being. Her father died when she was only 4 years old, leaving her and three siblings to be raised by a single mom in the midst of the depression. After graduating from high school, Audrey knew first hand what it was like to have no funding for higher education and entered into the workforce. She was blessed with two marriages, each lasting over 25 years, and helped raise and nurture three children, three stepchildren, grandchildren and great grandchildren, as well as many nieces and nephews.

Audrey's work ethic was impeccable, and her commitment to what was fair and right was without question. She not only belonged to many organizations, she was a contributing member of society: a member of the company union, Business & Professional Women's Club (ND State President in 1974), American Legion Auxiliary, Homemakers groups, Centennial Celebrations, Girl Scout Leader, and cheerleader for every child that came into her world and every cause she felt worthy. Audrey always recognized and respected self-determination, yet she also knew just when to offer a helping hand or a token of encouragement.

The Audrey Doyle Scholarship Fund was established in 2011. Her family, in an effort to honor her memory and her belief in human goodness, have established a scholarship fund to support civic-minded, third year college students determined to complete their education.


  • Preference is given to students who are civic-minded, third year college students determined to complete their education.
  • Applicant must be a North Dakota graduate.
Bismarck, ND