Jan 25, 2024
January 25, 2024
Bezos Scholars Program
Bezos Schoslar Program


The Bezos Scholars Program is atransformative, year-long, no-costleadership development program that 13 amplifies youth voice and action.Join a diverse cohort passionate about improving their communities while engaging with global leaders on an all- expenses-paid trip to the Aspen Ideas Festival June 23-29, 2023Participate in dynamic virtual workshops designed to increase leadership skills and inform student designed and led community change projects.


To be considered for our program, U.S. students must:

  • Attend an eligible public high school in the United States that currently has a 30% or greater overall free and reduced lunch rate. See the list of current ineligible schools.
  • Be a junior at the time they are applying to the program.
  • Be enrolled in or have taken during their high school career, one or more honors, Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), or college-level course.
  • Be a U.S. citizen, permanent resident, or have received DACA status.- Be available to fully participate in the year-long program and attend all dates for the Aspen Ideas Festival trip in Aspen, Colorado, slated for June 23 - June 29, 2023.
  • Nominate an educator, a willing and supportive adult from their school to serve as a mentor, who will fully participate in the program and go on the trip to Aspen with them.
Seattle, WA